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Britney Spears To Release New Album In 2013

Britney Spears To Release New Album In 2013
6/20/2013 4:05 PM ET
In a recent interview with Ryan Seacrest, Britney Spears announced that she would soon be releasing a new album, which may surprise even her biggest fans:
"It's definitely at the beginning stage right now. I want to make it a little different from anything I've ever done," adding that fans can expect the album "by the end of the year."
She also noted that she'd be working with William Orbit and—the latter of whom she says is really spicing things up:
"Will has some really interesting tracks. There's a lot of guitar. I think people will be surprised. I think William Orbit is coming into town for me to work with next week. I've never worked with him before so I'm so excited."


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